
Wasn’t much more than a shack

In shimmering chartreuse trees.

Comfort and furniture were cut back.

But love was common as the breeze.


I wasn’t born to this home.

Where someone watched over me

These folks raised me as their own.

They were my true family.


It is not Foster Care Day, Week, or Month that I know of, but I do have an “add-on” sister whom I adore.  And she repays in abundance of ways.  We didn’t have a home nestled in the chartreuse trees, but we did have a somewhat limited home (like no bathroom) when Verna came to us.  I know I have voiced her words just as I have voiced mine.  Here’s to Verna Lee and what she added to our intact family.  To generous, loving, sharing families, keep doing “God-work” here on earth.


Prompt by M for January 1  “shimmers of chartreuse”


About oneta hayes

ABOUT ME Hello. To various folks I am Neat’nee, Mom, Grandma Neta, Gramma, Aunt Neta, Aunt Noni, Aunt Neno, and Aunt Neto (lots of varieties from little nieces and nephews). To some I’m more like “Didn’t you used to be my teacher?” or “Don’t I know you from someplace?” To you, perhaps, I am a Fellow Blogger. Not “fellow” like a male or a guy, but “fellow” like a companion or an adventurer. I would choose to be Grandma Blogger, and have you pull up a chair, my website before you, while I tell you of some days of yore. I have experienced life much differently than most of you. It was and is a good life. I hope to share nuggets of appreciation for those who have gone before me and those who come after me. By necessity you are among those who come after me and I will tell you of those who came before. Once upon a time in a little house on a prairie - oops, change that lest I commit plagiarism - and change that “house on the prairie” to “dugout on the prairie.” So my story begins...
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6 Responses to A CHOSEN CHILD

  1. Faye says:

    Thank you. Inspirational.

  2. nickc324 says:

    What a nice and inspirational post, and I love the poem, too.

  3. Pingback: January Writing Prompt Participants – Putting My Feet in the Dirt

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