Tag Archives: readers

THANKS TO TEN – List Three

Okay, I can’t count correctly; there are eleven but I’m not going to take one off!  If you are looking for an active friend, check out this list.  Thank you, dear bloggers, for reading, commenting, and leaving likes. https://acookingpotandtwistedtales.com/about/ https://joyindestructible.com/2016/04/14/survivors-prayer/hContinue reading

Posted in likes., thankfulness, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 19 Comments


My blogger’s heart thrives on knowing someone reads my “stuff.”  It is not only that I want to be read, but I also want to interact with people who also want to interact.  No better way to find them than … Continue reading

Posted in thankfulness, Uncategorized | Tagged , , | 22 Comments