Have you ever thought, “This might not be good for me, but who wants to live to be old anyway?”

The following is a copy of a comment I made yesterday to Kimberly to a post she had written about octogenarians, in which she poses the question about whether older people live mostly in the past.

“Up front I acknowledge being 82 years old. Today I spent some time in prayer and Bible (with song from You Tube on my kindle), took my meds, cleaned up, gave a before lunch speech at the Senior Citizen Center, met a friend for lunch, put my “Amy” post on the blog, browsed the blog, took a nap, went to pick my husband up (he had car problems), came back home, went to a Toastmaster’s International meeting, hung around with a few of them afterwards, came home, watched O’Reilly with my husband who had taped it so we could watch together, had a talk with one son by phone arranging to visit him a hundred miles from my home. I will drive there by myself. Shared a bit of conversation with another son. Cleaned the kitchen then came in to play catch up on reading some posts. Made some comments. Found your blog. Hopefully found a new friend. At least I’m clicking your follow.

Oh, I’ll share my biggest problem for the day. My husband parked the car in the garage, then he took a different car. When I tried to get in to go to the center, I could not get my near 190 pound body in the drivers side, so I climbed in from the passenger side. Never tried that before with the bucket seat console in the middle kind of car. Wasn’t easy! I was very glad I didn’t get stuck. But I had my cell, could have called 911. Not too many 190 pound octogenarians did that today!”    

I am happy to be living still.  You can decide whether I am living in the past.  Actually it felt like today.  Of course, as I have at least hinted at many times, I think my wonderful eighties are a gift from my Lord.  And I think I will be thinking the same thing about my nineties!



About oneta hayes

ABOUT ME Hello. To various folks I am Neat’nee, Mom, Grandma Neta, Gramma, Aunt Neta, Aunt Noni, Aunt Neno, and Aunt Neto (lots of varieties from little nieces and nephews). To some I’m more like “Didn’t you used to be my teacher?” or “Don’t I know you from someplace?” To you, perhaps, I am a Fellow Blogger. Not “fellow” like a male or a guy, but “fellow” like a companion or an adventurer. I would choose to be Grandma Blogger, and have you pull up a chair, my website before you, while I tell you of some days of yore. I have experienced life much differently than most of you. It was and is a good life. I hope to share nuggets of appreciation for those who have gone before me and those who come after me. By necessity you are among those who come after me and I will tell you of those who came before. Once upon a time in a little house on a prairie - oops, change that lest I commit plagiarism - and change that “house on the prairie” to “dugout on the prairie.” So my story begins...
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  1. 49lilykatz says:

    Awesome! What a full life you lead. You go, girl.

  2. dawnlizjones says:

    I hope you do, I hope you do! (I LOVE the part about climbing over the bucket seats!!!)

    • oneta hayes says:

      I’m pining because I didn’t do a whole post about climbing over the seat. There were some mighty interesting details I could have chewed on a while. For instance I had on a skirt. Not the best attire for seat climbing! And, you can bank on the fact that my 130 pound husband can get through a four inch crack that I can’t put my foot through. Aww, the

  3. Faye says:

    Love the inspiration of your journey while you keep writing and we keep reading it gives us all the impetus to keep travelling onwards. The past must be our yardstick for our futures. How fortunate many of us are and were that we had something ‘concrete’ solid and meaningful to base our futures on. At any age I think now we should be ensuring that we remind the next generation (of past)but sow the ‘now’ seeds of our life of reality and Truth. Thank you for the sharing. I love the humour in the midst of it all. Have a great day and weekend ahead!

    • oneta hayes says:

      There is a lot to be said for “we reap what we sow.” It is my good fortune, as promised by God, to be reaping what many of my ancestors sowed; his promise is unto the third and fourth generation. And the contract is renewable – therefore, I choose to be a first generation Christian and pass blessing on to my third and fourth. And he even paid the price for my contract – offering forgiveness paid by the blood of our Savior. Oh, Wow, what a deal. Beyond me why anybody would choose a stubborn guilty conscience instead of saying, “Thy will, Lord, not mine.” I getting plumb preachy, aren’t I?

  4. calensariel says:

    Go get ’em, girlfriend!!! Loved this!

  5. 😀 You’re still living a happy and comfortable life being in your 80’s. Enjoyed reading your post.

    • oneta hayes says:

      You are welcome and wanted over here at my place! Hope to see you often. I think I clicked your follow when I went over to browse around. I read your take on some daily post prompts. I thought they were well written. I picked up a bit that you might speak some other mother tongue. If so, you are certainly to be congratulated on your English. I wondered how much you identified with your character in “Aimless.” I like that you gave him the good sense to try so many avenues to find his place – guitar, swimming, language, etc. That is wisdom for one whose failure in one thing was so devastating to him. 😀

      • Yes, the character in aimless is very much like me, though I’ve not failed in anything but I do am trying to manage other things along and blogging included! 😛 And yes I do speak another mother tongue. I belong to India and my mother tongue is Hindi but as I’m pursuing English Honors, I’ve got a good command on my English as well and besides that I’ve been writing since I was in Senior Secondary so that’s why also I’m able to write well now. If you’ve a look at my previous short stories and poems, they may not be so good as they’re now. Indeed, practice makes the man perfect. 😀 And thankyou @onetahayes…..I’m glad that you liked my posts and the way I’ve written them!

        • oneta hayes says:

          😀 I find it intriguing when a person masters speaking and writing in more than one language. It seems to me to be hard to do. You are to be congratulated.

  6. Anand says:

    Oneta, your day was a million times more colorful than mine – all I did was look at a particularly long piece of code the whole day long. You make me look forward to my seventies and eighties. Thank you for that…and also for the fabulous bits of humor you write. (You know what I am angling for…) and thanks for following the new blog 😀 It was missing the spice you add with your comments.

    • oneta hayes says:

      Oh, Anand, I confess to thinking after I put in that bit about the grace with which I can get into a car, that if I had just given some detail (like doing my climb in a skirt) and elaborated a little, I could have made Anand happy. Sorry that whole story was blown in a quick decision to make an impression on someone I didn’t even know! Don’t even know if she will follow my bait. And with my grace and skills, it might be a long time before I experience another Anand episode. I noticed I have an e-mail from your new blog. Haven’t read it yet. I’ll get there. If my comment back to you just says, “Nice post” you’ll know I’m reading at 2:30 a.m., or maybe you got boring – no, never! 😀

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