GOD, EVER FAITHFUL. a Roger story

A substitute teacher came to my room and told me I needed to go down to the principle’s office.  I did so.   I had to leave school to pick up Roger who was at the police station.  He was there  because he had been taken in because of marijuana use on the school grounds.

Last week I wrote of how easily the Call seemed to settle on Carl when he was about twelve.  Roger, a product of the same home with the same two parents as Carl was an entirely different kind of child.  Roger always wanted me to pray for him, but he never wanted to do it himself.  He had moments of blowing off steam.  Sometimes to his own sorrow such as whacking and breaking his own windshield at one point.  He had short limits, however.  I only once heard him say an uncouth word.  He never gave me reason to believe he did not respect and love me.  I will come back to the marijuana incident later.  It has a sad but interesting ending.

As was pretty much the policy in our community, the police told Roger his record would be kept for a year.  If there was no more trouble, it would be destroyed, I guess.  Roger confessed to having tried out the drug one time before in the county in which I was raised.  He had cousins up there.  I was surprised.  At one time even big brother, Carl, let him (or led him) into some trouble.  I don’t remember the details.  Roger grew tall and fast.  I let him hang with boys who were too much older than he.

The school incident included three boys out behind the football field or someplace similar. The other two boys lived in our neighborhood.  The parents of one brought him to our house to confess that he had supplied the marijuana and apologize for having done so.

Remember that I said Roger didn’t like to pray.  However that crisis did break that bondage.  The first night at church after that, my heart was broken with a burden for him.  I wanted him to come to the altar so badly.  I felt the Lord whisper to me, “You go pray for James, and I will take care of Roger.”  I did, He did, Roger did!  I was at the left end of the altar area praying for James; when I looked up, there was Roger at the other end with others praying for him!  Things changed.  Roger even became much more studious!  That must have been the year he told me one kid got saved at youth camp.  I said sometime like  “Oh, that’s good.  Who was that?”  He said, “Me.”  Sort’a funny.  Smiley time.

I asked Roger if he would mind me giving this story on the blog.  He said of course not and he added some information for me.  Now he is the lone survivor of that trio of boys.  Boy Three ended up being killed.  Roger thinks it was because of a drug gang; Boy Two, who apologized, ended up dead from overdose caused by prescription drugs taken for back pain; and Boy One (Roger) and his wife, Renee, are helping dad and mom (Sammy and me) live out our lives until death or rapture, which ever comes first.

Roger has a soft and tender heart which goes on display at the mention of a bunny, a four-wheeler stuck in the snow, or my car which needs the lug bolts to give in a little!  Sometimes that causes a grunt and a breathing time, but still no unkind or uncouth words.

Roger has a four year nursing degree but opted for work out of doors in sunshine or rain.  😀

About oneta hayes

ABOUT ME Hello. To various folks I am Neat’nee, Mom, Grandma Neta, Gramma, Aunt Neta, Aunt Noni, Aunt Neno, and Aunt Neto (lots of varieties from little nieces and nephews). To some I’m more like “Didn’t you used to be my teacher?” or “Don’t I know you from someplace?” To you, perhaps, I am a Fellow Blogger. Not “fellow” like a male or a guy, but “fellow” like a companion or an adventurer. I would choose to be Grandma Blogger, and have you pull up a chair, my website before you, while I tell you of some days of yore. I have experienced life much differently than most of you. It was and is a good life. I hope to share nuggets of appreciation for those who have gone before me and those who come after me. By necessity you are among those who come after me and I will tell you of those who came before. Once upon a time in a little house on a prairie - oops, change that lest I commit plagiarism - and change that “house on the prairie” to “dugout on the prairie.” So my story begins...
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6 Responses to GOD, EVER FAITHFUL. a Roger story

  1. Thank Roger for that permission! I am impressed with his willingness to change direction. God knew his heart all along. ❤

  2. Kim Smyth says:

    I wish and pray all the time for my boys to have a change of heart when it comes to God. Both are alcoholics to an extent, both smoke marijuana heavily and I opulent mind that so much if their lives were going in a positive direction. Oddly enough, the one that’s the youngest professes to believe, is a workaholic also, yet barely has a social life and doesn’t manage his money well, therefore he has to work twice as hard to catch up. The other thinks he’s an atheist, is allergic to work, yet keeps trying, and seems to have finally landed a woman who will put up with him. Now my oldest, my parents raised. He is 41 and does the same things as the other two but was spoiled rotten. Yet when my father died, managed to secure a job, a house, (albeit with friends) and although he is still single, seems to be getting by just fine with no help from us or anyone else that I know of. He is also a believer but can lean towards being fanatical and very weird sometimes. Long story. Anyway, he also drinks and stuff, but of the three, I thought when his support system was gone, ie: my parents, he would fall flat on his face. I can’t explain any of it. Had they been taught to go to church from a young age, would their lives be different? Who knows, but we should have all tried harder and been more resolved as parents I’m sure.

  3. oneta hayes says:

    Good thing about Jesus is that you can jump on to his advice anytime, but the longer one waits to do so, the more baggage he has collected. Sometimes that baggage can be unloaded but sometimes one carries a lot that would not have had to be if “one remembers his Creator in the days of his youth.” You can overcome a lot of regrets by leaning into Jesus knowing you have nothing to lose by talking to him.

  4. granonine says:

    I have learned: My child is not my clone. My child has his own thoughts, will, and desires. He is a separate person from me, and he is answerable to God for his choices. It’s clear, Oneta, that you and your husband instilled the importance of God into the lives of your sons.

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